ROMANIA has many tourist attractions waiting to be discovered. Transylvania it’s a significant part of it, known for its beautiful landscapes, its rich history and for the often associations with Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler). The villages from the area keep from the Middle Ages the specific land-use system, the settlement pattern and the organization of the family farmstead units. Their fortified churches illustrate building periods from the 13th to the 16th c. Our aim is to assist you in planning your trip and to provide all the travel related services that you might need in order to make this an unforgettable journey.
Package includes:
transportation by car
accommodation in a double room + breakfast
English speaking guide/ driver
all objectives entrance fees (museums + monasteries)
DURATION: 4 days
Price : 396€ /person
Available for minimum 3 persons
Available for minimum 3 persons